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It’s a tough job, but some doggy has got to do it.
This dog has a job, yo. I am a full time taste tester and quality assurance manager at Kolchak’s Kitchen. It is my job to test every single batch of treats for optimal flavour and quality. I am a fabulous taste tester.
This dog has a job, yo. I am a full time taste tester and quality assurance manager at Kolchak’s Kitchen. It is my job to test every single batch of treats for optimal flavour and quality. I am a fabulous taste tester.
The crazy eyes mean the treat has passed quality control –
and that the Mama could lose a finger if she isn’t careful.
Felix is the Assisant to the Quality Assurance Manager.
He is full of his own self importance (not unlike another Assistant to the Manager). He takes his job very seriously and refuses to get even a little crazy when he find a treat he loves.
He politely takes the test sample and chews it carefully,
savouring every flavour to ensure it is just right.
The only way you’ll know that he liked something is if he comes back and asks for more. He sounds like Oliver Twist, he’s so darn quiet and polite. “Woof sir, may I have some more?”
LIGHTEN UP FE! It’s not bad work – if you can get it!
All posts are the property of Kolchak’s Kitchen and Kolchak Puggle/Jodi Chick. Please ask before reposting content. All reposts must link back to our site. Thank you!