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This post is a part of the Blog the Change blog hop hosted by btc4animals. Every quarter, bloggers from all genres are encouraged to join us and highlight a worthy animal related cause near and dear to their heart. Learn how you can join in here.
It’s Blog the Change Day and we have a special message this month.
Now keep in mind, Blog the Change is run by humans. Nice, good, well-intentioned humans, but humans all the same. It’s only natural that sometimes, they make a silly mistake. Such is the case with their upcoming event encouraging Bloggers to Unite in support of animal rescue. They want dog bloggers all over to raise their voices (ahem, keyboards?) telling the whole world how GREAT rescue pets are and encouraging adoptions. Isn’t that crazy?!
Don’t get it twisted.
I am 110% in support of rescue, but let’s think about who is rescuing who here.
- Pets help reduce asthma and allergies. True story. Children who grow up with furry family member have a reduced risk of developing these problems.
- Pets reduce stress. I like to think it’s our dashing good looks, but really? We make amazing furry little therapists.
- Petting a cat can reduce blood pressure and cat owners have a reduced risk of heart attack. (Which is funny because always feel like ‘m gong to have a heart attack when our kitty is around.)
- Being a dog owner can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. They also suffer fewer minor ailments and serious medical problems.
- We’re the best personal trainers around. Dogs help improve activity and can stimulate weight loss.
Anyone who knows the Mama knows that I am the one who rescued HER.
Me (the Felix) on my first day with the Mama
She was a lost soul and I saved her.
I gave her focus and purpose at a time when she was lost. I gave her love and comfort when she needed it most. Koly and I inspired her to take control of her life, her ambitions and her weight again. I saved her hairless butt. I’m a woofing HERO!
After my first bath
There are more than 365 thousand pets for adoption on Petfinder right now.
That’s 365 thousand humans that we could save, if we could just show them that rescue pets ROCK! Isn’t that idea simply awe-inspiring? How cool is THAT?!?!
Us dogs with blogs have a responsibility, you know.
Most of the great rescues out there are really small groups, run entirely by volunteers. They usually don’t have the time or the resources to really work on promoting their good work. We bloggers know that good social media is a HUGE undertaking! Lending a hand and helping these great rescue organizations spread the word is something we can ALL do to homeless pets find homes and help them save their humans. We have the platform. We have the voice. We have the ability. All we need s the desire and I know that we all want to help.
My PB face. I was SURE the Mama was going to be mad.
Are you with me?!
Join us here at Kol’s Notes on July 23, as we woof all about how bloggers all social media users can help to promote rescue animals. We’ll look at positive ways we can help (no Sarah McLachlan songs here) without alienating all of our Facebook friends or making ourselves cry everyday.
Mark your calendar. July 23. Blog the Change you want to see in the World.
All posts are the property of Kolchak’s Kitchen and Kolchak Puggle/Jodi Chick. Please ask before reposting content. All reposts must link back to our site. Thank you!