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What Really Happened in the #Advent4Dogs by Dizzy the Elf

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can’t an elf get a day off around here? Photo Credit: Kelly at Fat Cat Creative

Can’t an Elf get a day off around here

Dizzy the #Advent4Dogs Elf Here.

Holy woof, you guys. I’m exhausted. I don’t know how the Jolly Fat Man does it! This giving of gifts is EXHAUSTING. This month Kolchak has announced TWENTY FOUR giveaways for dog lovers. HOLY WOOF. Does he think these things run themselves? (Click on any prize description to go to the post and enter.)

In addition to all my giveaway duties, you wouldn’t imagine all the extra work I’ve taken on here at Casa de Kolchak.

That Mama character, I don’t know about that one. She’s taken on WAY too much this month and I’ve been secretly helping her an AWFUL LOT. For example, the other day, she had the audacity to tell you how SHE trained the dogs their “go to bed” command. WHAT? THE? WOOF? She thinks she trained them, eh? Humpf. I think we all know what REALLY happened.

(as told to Jodi Stone of Heart Like a Dog)

The dogs at Casa de Kolchak were out of control. The Mama sat on the floor surrounded by rolls of wrapping paper and tape. Three different strands of ribbon draped around her neck, the scissors in her hand, a piece of tape stuck to her cheek.

The process was painful, roll out the paper, snip, stop, “Kolchak! Get off the paper!” She put the scissors down, picked Koly up and set him on the couch.

The mama sat down again, arranged the scissors on the paper and began cutting. “RRRIIIIIPPPPP” the scissors skewed off to the left, mangling the paper as Felix’s fluffy body jostled her arm.

“Felix” she sighed, exasperated.

Felix looked up, soft brown eyes stared into hers. The Mama smiled, a sad little smile, set the scissors down, picked Felix up and set him on the couch next to Kolchak.

“Please guys, I just need a few more minutes, I only have five more gifts to wrap.”

I looked over at Felix and Kolchak lying side by side on the couch. It was a shame really to write their names down; they were such great dogs most of the time. They walked well on leash, had adapted nicely to neighbors in the new apartment building and snuggled the Mama when she was sad or tired.

What!? Wait! Snuggle, that was the key!! The Mama could finish up her wrapping if the dogs had just learned to snuggle down in their beds on command.

I looked over at the Mama’s pile of gifts waiting to be wrapped and saw the new dog beds. Too bad these dog didn’t know the “got to bed” command.

I thought long and hard about what she was about to do. I knew it could backfire and I could land myself on Santa’s naughty list, but one look at the Mama and I knew it was worth the risk.

She got up to get herself a drink and the I knew it was now or never. I coaxed Koly and Fe over to the beds and using some Fruitables jerky and lured them onto the beds and into a down position.

Koly and Felix snuggled down on the beds and were fast asleep in seconds.

The Mama walked into the room a puzzled expression on her face. “What? How? Never mind, as long as you’re happy.”

The Mama smiled, softly singing “He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice, he’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice” as she settled in to finish her Christmas wrapping.

I snuggled down on my elf couch for a nap of my own. Thank goodness for those new P.L.A.Y. beds, and really, what Santa didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Right?

Before I knew it Mama was wailing… again. She had forgotten to buy gift tags. *sigh* Can that woman do anything without my help!? She’s lucky that AJ Emm made her those cute little dog drawings, because I was able to whip those into Koly & Fe gift tags in no time flat. The look on her face as she rubbed her bleary eyes wondering if SHE had made him in a blurry sleep was ridiculous.

I’ve been cleaning and cooking and doing ALL THE HEAVY LIFTING AROUND HERE! Not bad for a 12″ tall elf, amIrite?

<H#>So now, in the quiet lazy days after Christmas Snowflake & I are ready for a nap. We’re cozying down with a good book and we’ll pop back in on January 1st to choose all the Advent4Dogs giveaway winners, so make sure you enter all 24 giveaways!


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Daniel Scott

Sunday 28th of December 2014

Jodi, Artie wanted me to tell you that he appreciates all the giveaways. He knows that you are doing most of the work, just like the mama and not the mama do at our house.


Friday 2nd of January 2015

NOT THE MAMA! OMG, I love that oh so very very much. <3 Oh man, this made my day. Thank you so much.


Saturday 27th of December 2014

This is a wonderful giveaway! Great job organizing/hosting and everything else! I hope you actually do relax for a few days.

Sharon Gilbert

Saturday 27th of December 2014

OMD!!! You have been one busy lady! I hope you can relax and rest. Wish you, Koly and Felix a Very Happy New Year! The Advent 4 Dogs was so fantastic with lots of awesome giveaways. Fabulous job Jodi!

Jen Gabbard

Saturday 27th of December 2014

I couldn't imaging hosting/running something like this - you've done an amazing job. I certainly wouldn't have been able to do it alone and I doubt my dog Laika would have been very helpful lol.


Friday 26th of December 2014

Are we able to teach a dog that it is going to be 2015?

Yes, of course, Happy New Year to us.

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