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Uncovering Fe’s Doggy DNA with the Embark Test {+ a Giveaway}

Uncovering Fe’s Doggy DNA with the Embark Test {+ a Giveaway}

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Do you have a rescue dog that you adore, but have no idea what breed they are? You are not alone. With more than 1.6 million dogs being adopted every year, that’s a whole lot of pooches who don’t know who they are or where they came from. Thanks to science, it doesn’t have to be that way! I am so excited to have gotten to test the Embark Vet Dog DNA Kit on Felix. Have you ever wondered what a doggy DNA test could tell you? We’ve got the scoop over on the blog! 

Since the day we brought Felix home, people have been drawn to him. 

This post is sponsored by Embark. We received a free test as a part of their affiliate program. If you click on a link and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission.

I mean, LOOK AT HIM. Of course people are drawn to this dog. He’s always had that ‘je ne sais quoi’. He’s special. He’s adorable. And he is so so friendly. He’s never met someone, human or canine, he didn’t want to call friend.

The number one question people ask is “What kind of dog is that?”

I can’t blame them. Spend a few minutes with this magical mutt and you must start thinking how nice it would be to have one of your own. The trouble is? We had no idea how to answer that question. Felix is a rescue dog and like a lot of rescue dogs, his heritage is mystery. 

I’ve always wanted to do one of those Doggy DNA tests on Felix to find out just what kind of dog he is.  

These tests weren’t always that good though. I remember a friend doing one, way back when we got Fe 11 years ago. It said her 12 lb fluff-nugget was nearly half doberman and I was like “Cool story, bro.” To say I was skeptical of their value is an understatement. But you know how science is; never content with good enough. Dog DNA Test Kits have come so far over the years and now that Felix is a stately, elderly gentleman I felt like I needed to do it now. 

Thanks to the Embark Dog DNA Test Kit we know what breeds make up a Felix.

The Embark test kit is really easy to use. Just swish a swab around in your dog’s check, cap it and send it back. Within a few week, you’ll start getting emails from Embark telling you where your test is in processing and sharing what they’ve learned about your dog. 

Not just a fun game, Embark also tests to see if your dog is at risk for a myriad of genetic conditions.

Not just one or two, Embark checks for over 160 genetic health traits. What a gift that is in a rescue dog – particularly in a rescue dog that we know had puppy mill origins. Luckily, our Felix is a pretty genetically healthy little guy.

For a science nerd like me, the Embark test is filled with fascinating information about what makes Felix a Felix.

This test digs so much deeper than I imagined and explains the science of genetics in a way most layman can understand. I spent hours poring over the genetic information telling me about how Fe has “improper coat”, he’s non-shedding, and he’s genetically predisposed to be munchkin sized.

For example, did you know that genetically speaking, Felix should have a tail instead of the tiny wiggly nubbin he has? We always knew Felix’s tail had been docked (ugh, on so many levels), but it’s such an interesting thing that even at a genetic level, it’s like “that ain’t right!”

Even though I’m fascinated as heck by all this cool sciency data, I know you guys really want to know the most important thing: What kind of dog is Felix?!

And I’m like 90% ready to tell you. Almost ready. Very nearly ready. BUT I thought it would be fun to see your guesses first! 

What do YOU think our Felix is? 

Here are a few hints: 

  • He weighs 19 lbs
  • His long hair is wavy when it’s short, curly when it’s growing out and will roll to full dreadlocks if you don’t brush him constantly when it’s long.
  • He is ~13″ at the withers and 14″ from neck to nubbin
  • He is delicate boned under all that floof
  • His temperament is precious, sweet and tolerant, though prone to anxiety.

Put your guess of what three breeds make a Felix in the comments and fill out the entry form below before Sept 10th for your chance to win. 

A phone case from The Inspired Closet in your choice of breed, a pair of earrings or a keychain in your choice of breed from Belundika and 2 vinyl stickers in your choice of breed from Inkopious

Wondering what kind of dog your rescue is? 

Name That Breed Giveaway

Click here to snag an Embark Dog DNA test kit for yourself on Amazon.

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Saturday 8th of September 2018

Yorkie cocker

Jodi Stone

Thursday 6th of September 2018

I'm going with Schnauzer, Cairn Terrier and....drum roll please....Labrador. :-)

Natalie Hartmann

Tuesday 4th of September 2018

I’m horrible and guessing breeds but Schnauzer, Poodle, and Westie

Tenacious Little Terrier

Monday 3rd of September 2018

Miniature Schnauzer, Poodle and Havanese!

Daniel Scott

Monday 3rd of September 2018

I think Felix is part Miniature Schnauzer, westie, and wirehaired griffon

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