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The fastest and easiest way to get a quick response or ask a question is to pop on over to the Kol’s Notes Facebook page. My phone is in my hand about 14 hours a day and I rarely miss a message there.
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Um…OK. Cool. Cool cool cool. Send me an e-mail But, this is your friendly warning that I might be a little slower to respond. This is my inbox all day. everyday.

Tuesday 24th of May 2022
Do you have a Newsletter? If so, Please add me to your List, as I think your site is GREAT!
Please let me know that you DO have a newsletter and when I can expect.
Saturday 18th of June 2022
Hi Debra - thank you so much! I have been away from the site caring for a sick relative, but am just getting back into the swing and developing my newsletter is one of my tasks :) I'll make sure to send you a link and a note when it's ready to go live. Thank you!
Sunday 17th of April 2022
Hello, Thank you for your creative and fun ideas and recipes. For the dehydrated green beans what are you thoughts on putting bone broth on them before being dehydrated?
Thanks so much
Saturday 18th of June 2022
Hi Melissa, You could cook fresh beans in bone broth then dry them, but since it has a bit more fat than the dried chicken, it would likely decrease it's shelf life. You'd want to keep a close eye on them for spoilage.