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That Dog Mom Lifestyle

I love being a dog mom.

From the moment I said “we should get a dog” I’ve known: dogs make my life so much better.

There’s something about waking up with a snuggly puppy next to you that soothes the soul. There’s magic in grabbing your dog’s leash and going for an adventure. There’s no purer joy than that experienced by my puggle Kolchak when I give him a treat he really, really loves.

And as much as I love my dog, being a dog mom is so much more than that. It’s worrying about their health. Trying to make sure they get enough exercise. Finding great toys that are enriching, hold up to sharp teeth and don’t break the bank.

It’s having a home you love and that your dog is welcomed and comfortable in without having a home that looks like a dog kennel and clothing that shows your dog mom pride, but stays on the right side of crazy dog lady.

Being a dog mom isn’t just a title or a responsibility, it’s a whole darn way of life. It’s my life and holy woof, am I grateful for it.

My Fav Things for Dog Moms
Dog-Friendly Gardens & Yards
Dog-Friendly Cleaning
Dog Storage & Organization
Apartment Life with Dogs
Dog Mom Tips & Tricks

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Dog Mom Lifestyle