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I don’t think it’s any secret that Kolchak is a hairy beast.
I brush the little monster all the time. All the time.

Kolchak Puggle: Shedding machine
It doesn’t seem to do much. Not matter what I do, there’s puggle hair on my clothes, the furniture and in most of the food. That boy projectile sheds. And if you think he sheds a lot on a regular day? Holy woof. You should see how much he sheds when he’s wet. (He also turns into a gremlin. No joke.)
It usually looks like I tried to drown a rat in our tub after I’ve given Kolchak a bath.
It took me a really long time to discover the secret of how to bath the dog without clogging the drain. And even though, I’ve spent the last three years trying to find a way to make this the hot new pet product, I’m going to share it with you guys today because A: I’m a giver like that and B: Apparently, it’s a “ridiculous idea for a product and no one will buy it”. Whatever, those people clearly didn’t have puggles and I swear to woof, this works.
It sounds so simple right?
That’s because it is! I always have a box of natural baby wipes in the house to wipe muddy paws, get dog food out of Fe’s beard and to clean up other messes, but they work like a charm to stop fine dog hair from washing away with the bath water.
- Take a baby wipe and lay it over the tub drain
- Push the tub stopper in, over the baby wipe.
- Fill tub & bath dog
- place your hands around the edges of the wipe to hold it flat and pull the plug
- Allow water to drain and hair to collect in the center of the wipe. (If your dog is a hairy beast like Kolchak, you may have to clear the dog hair off the wipe once…or twice.)
- Once the water has drained away, simply lift out the wipe and almost all of the dog hair with it!
Saturday 28th of November 2015
I saw a review recently on Amazon of a product to solve our problems. This lady use it to cover her drain hole while showering her dog!
Saturday 28th of November 2015
I have one of those too! Unfortunately, Kol's fine puggle hair still gets through, which is why I came up with this solution.
Bhumikas Cleaner Tips | Tips for Keeping Pets Clean
Thursday 22nd of October 2015
[…] to prevent dog hair from clogging up your plugholes and drains. To groom your long-haired hamster, office cleaning Leeds recommend that you use an old comb or […]
Monday 12th of August 2013
Very cool! I hope I remember this the next time I bathe the dogs. :-)
Saturday 10th of August 2013
I don't shed really, Mom is the one that sheds in the shower! My sister sheds so much it is not even funny, but she doesn't get baths, so no problem there but it might be an idea for all that hair Mom is losing!
Saturday 10th of August 2013
That Felix doesn't shed either. He's a bit of a suck up. LOL, I said the same thing. That Mama sheds AT LEAST as much as I do. HA!
Friday 9th of August 2013
Remember Knee-Hi's? I stuff 1 in the drain, & cover it with a large flat type tub plug. When the tub drains...pull out the Knee-hi & toss it in the trash! Hair & all!
Saturday 10th of August 2013
Handy! What a great idea. I love all these simple solutions people use.