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I should have known it was totally too good to be true.
I mean, since I got beck from BlogPaws in Vegas, the weather has been pretty woofing good. A bit of light rain here and there, but nothing like the torrential downpours we get all winter. It’s been so nice out that apparently, I’ve lost my umbrella. WHOMP WHOMP. Not exactly what you want to discover when your dog is whining to go out and the skies are unleashing enough water that it’s time to think about building an Ark.
I started searching the big wide interwebz for a replacement umbrella, preferably one with a doggy twist.
I was so excited when I found this tutorial on how to make a Design It Yourself Umbrella over at Paper, Plate and Plane and I am in love with the “raining cats and dogs” design that she shared!

source: via Pinterest
To find out how you can make your own
DIY custom design umbrella,
head over to Paper, Plates and Airplanes.
Tuesday 10th of April 2018
That's so cute! Gotta try it with my clear umbrella.
Monday 26th of May 2014
I love this! I may have to try it!
Kimberly Morris Gauthier
Monday 26th of May 2014
This is timely. My puppy umbrella broke :(
Monday 26th of May 2014
Cute idea that is affordable and simple, thanks for sharing!
Dory and the Mama
Monday 26th of May 2014
What a great idea, will definitely head over to check it out. Thanks so much for the heads up!