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So apparently, fall is coming and soon it will be all hot drinks and sweaters. Cover your cups with these easy and adorable, dog themed no sew cup sleeves.
So, it’s still August, but already the whole internets is all like “YAY FALL!” and “Pumpkin all the things!”
You people make me sick. Can’t we just enjoy summer? Can’t we all just hope summer lasts like a month or so longer? Please?!
Humpf, apparently not. Well, I guess I’ll fall in line and get on the train straight to Autumn, starting with these adorable, super simple, no sew cup sleeves perfect for slipping over your favourite fall beverage. I mean, who wouldn’t want to carry around a Felix cup?!

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- Felt Sheets, misc. colours – I used 1 sheet each of blue, green, dark pink, light pink, dark orange, light orange, dark grey, light grey & white, BUT I had a lot of felt left over. I’m saving it for a later project, but you could use it to make more sleeves.
- Felt Glue or a low-temp glue gun
- Black Fabric Puff Paint (or a black fabric marker, if using paint makes you nervous)
- MArkers (for tracing)
- Optional: Button Snaps and Button Snap Pliers (You can glue the cup sleeve in place, but I was worried the glue wouldn’t hold and I had these great snaps left from our Drying Mat Project)
- Printed copies of our cup sleeve templates –> Download the templates here

Cut out the paper templates. Trace the shapes onto the felt sheets using a marker.
Cut the shapes out of felt using sharp scissors (If the scissors are dull, the edges of the felt will fray.) Don’t worry about cutting them out perfectly – just like no two dogs are alike, no two cup sleeves should be alike!)

Layer the felt pieces on the cup sleeve to match the designs. Try to keep the elements closely spaced together, otherwise the ears will wrap around the back of the cup. Using the felt glue or the low temp hot glue gun, glue the pieces in place and allow to dry completely.

(I added the side fuzz at the last minute because it looked unfinished. You don’t have to add it unless you want to.)
Using the puff paint or fabric marker, fill in the nose, eyes and any spare details you want, like eye lashes and freckles.

(I didn’t put the ear design on the template because I wanted you to make your own!)
If you are glueing the cup sleeve together, wrap it around until the ends meet and use a liberal amount of glue to fasten it in place. I was a little concerned that the glue wouldn’t hold the weight of a full cup and I would end up with more coffee on my shirt than usual, so I chose to use button snaps to hold mine in place.
If you are using button snaps, using the stabby stick that came with the pliers to poke holes in the felt as noted on the templates. (Template is designed to fit on a standard Starbucks Venti cup – If you’re using a different size cup, wrap the felt around and mark the hole placements to fit.) Set the button caps into the holes and press on the button pieces using the pliers. (Make sure you match up the buttons, so they fit together.)

Voila! Now you’re all ready to enjoy your favourite fall drink!
Even if you’re like me and you’re not quite ready to accept that fall is coming, these sleeves can go on your fav. cold drink tumbler to keep the condensation from dripping.
What’s your favourite fall drink?
Thursday 4th of September 2014
AHHH!!! Way too cute. I may have to make one - no, three! - of these.
Tuesday 2nd of September 2014
Oh my gosh! This is beyond cute! I must have one (or two or three)!
Monday 1st of September 2014
Ok this is too cute NOT to make! I can't wait to give it a try.