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Eight years ago today, a small dog stole my heart.
I unlatched the door of the kennel and this furry, black hot mess of a dog jumped out, straight into my arms and kissed my nose. In that instant, I couldn’t see that he desperately needed a haircut. I couldn’t smell that he reeked like a truck of hot garbage juice. I didn’t notice that he was kind of a disaster in a fur suit. No. All I saw was love.

Felix on his first night at home. He was a lot of things: overgrown, smelly and most of all, happy. Oh so happy.
Eight years ago today, my world changed and nothing would ever be the same again.
17 lbs of fur and sass, from the get go, Felix has challenged me: to be patient, to be kind, and to be persistent. He’s reminded me to find joy in everything because Felix finds joy in everything. He’s excited go everywhere and happy to do anything. He greets each day with full-volume shenanigans and lives life full tilt, determined to suck up as much fun and happiness as he can.
Eight years ago today, I realized that I didn’t know anything.

Cute dog, hot mess and love of my life.
Not about dogs. I’ve spent the last eight years playing catch up: learning about nutrition and training and enrichment and vaccinations and meds and yeesh. Learning about all the things that seem safe, but are really dangerous for dogs. And every time I feel like I have it all figured out, Felix throws another curveball at me!
“Oh Mom, you seem like you’ve got my allergies under control. That’s great! Tell me what you know about separation anxiety. I’m going nuts here alone during the day.”
“It’s so cool that I can walk on the leash without losing my marbles. Now, I need you to read all 66 thousand Google results for “canine torn ACL” because I’m gonna blow both mine out.”
There’s no getting around it: that boy is poorly built, but what he lacks in physical construction he more than makes up for in heart. He’s just one of those dogs that you can’t help but LOVE. I have one friend who is admittedly not a dog person, but he loves Felix. (He justifies this by explain that Felix is not actually a dog. He’s not wrong.) He has a legion of Facebook fans and no fewer than 5 people who are actively planning Felix-nappings at any given time. He’s one of those easy, likeable dogs that you just want to hang out with. (Hanging around with him *is* kind of the best.)
Eight years ago today, I didn’t just adopt a dog. I adopted a reminder.
A reminder to find the joy in everything, to try to make friends with everyone and to hold tight to the things and people you love, even when they become less than perfect. (I’m looking at you Dirty Stinky Yak.) I’m a better person for having a Felix.
So today, we celebrate.
Happy Gotcha Day, Felix!
Eight years later and you remain the single best gift I’ve ever gotten, the most amazing reminder that change is possible, proof that and my furry little soul mate. I love you, buddy.
Now! What is a celebration without cake!
This recipe is sponsored by Caru Pet Food. We were provided with free product in order to create this recipe, but it is our commitment to you that we will never endorse a product that we don’t believe in or that we wouldn’t use in our own home.
1 bx. Caru Natural Stews – We used pork, but they also come in chicken, turkey & beef
4 eggs
1 cup water or onion-free stock
2 cups of flour or Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Baking Mix
2 tsp. baking powder
coconut oil (for greasing pans)
Canned Pumpkin or Sweet Potato
– optional: Spinach leaf, shredded cheese and liver dust for garnish
Muffin tins, Mini cake moulds or mini springform pans (I used the tiny springform pans, as I wanted to make a tiny layer cake!)
Preheat oven to 350F.
In a medium bowl, mix together Caru Natural Stew, eggs and water. Stir in flour and baking powder.
Liberally grease your pans with coconut oil. If you are stingy on the oil, your cakes may stick to the pan. Bake for 25 – 35 minutes, until golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean.
Allow cakes to cool and remove them from the pan.
Using a serrated knif or a cake leveller, level off your cakes. (If you are making cupcakes, skip this step.)

See how meaty and delicious they look inside?
Scoop several heaping tablespoons of canned pumpking or sweet potato into a piping bag with a wide tip. Pipe filling onto the bottom layer of your cake, then stack the second layer on top. Cover the top with a heaping layer of canned pumpkin or sweet potato. If desired, dust the top with liver dust, then garnish with a spinach leaf and a small sprinkle of shredded cheese.
How do you celebrate your dog’s anniversary?
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Jessica Shipman | Beagles and Bargains
Wednesday 18th of February 2015
Oh Felix!! Happy Gotcha Day, sir!
Wednesday 18th of February 2015
Happy Gotcha Day! Mom says each new dog she gets is a bit better off than the last one because of all the things she has learned over time. I think it is true for most families. You are real lucky, Felix!
Tuesday 17th of February 2015
Happy Gotcha Day, Felix!!!!
Foley Monster, Pocket and River
Tuesday 17th of February 2015
Thank you so much for saving your Mom Feli
Tuesday 17th of February 2015
I'm beyond thrilled that Felix and I share a day! :)