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It’s Pride Weekend Here in Vancouver.
The Kol’s Notes dogs love Pride Weekend. They love any chance to go on a big adventure, meet a lot of new people and con some strangers into rubbing their bellies. One of the nicest things about dogs is that they don’t actually care who you are, as long as you’re nice to them. They are the original ONE LOVE supporters. Rich, poor, married, single, conservative, liberal, straight or LGBTQIA – whatever. My dogs do not care.

Do you like them? Do you want to pet them? DO YOU MAYBE HAVE SNACKS? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please know that Kolchak and Felix probably adore you.
Click here to check out our 33 favourite Etsy finds for Dog Lovers this Pride weekend.
Hopefully the weather this weekend is nice enough for the dogs and I to head out and paint the town Rainbow. I’ve got their rainbow leashes ready to go, they’re ready for a bunch of love and there’s nothing quite like being caught up in a celebration of love, freedom, diversity and acceptance.