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DIY Happy Barkday Scrapbook Page

DIY Happy Barkday Scrapbook Page

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We’ve been working on a Doggy Scrapbook.

I’ve always loved crafting and art. One of my great sadness’s is that I have no discernible talent with a drawing pen or a paintbrush. Luckily, scrap booking allows me a creative outlet that actually requires very little artist skill. I also love that it gives me something to look back on and relive the memories as I create a book around the pictures and mementos I’ve collected.

One of my favourite memories, is of Kolchak on his first birthday.

That face! Holy woof, that face got me every time. (Let’s be honest here: It still does.) Having had too much birthday, not 5 minutes later he tripped, fell over and being to tired to get back up, promptly drifted off to sleep.

I decided to build a scrap book page around his adorable birthday sweetness.

I planned to use the picture above, plus a picture of Koly with his new birthday toy, the gurglefish, so I chose bright primary colours to work with, knowing they’d look awesome with the bright toy.


Here’s what you need to create your own Happy Barkday scrapbook page:

  • 1 – 12×12 sheet of scrapbook paper – solid or patterned, whichever you prefer
  • scrapbook paper in co-ordinating colours (I love the blocks of little scraps for projects like this, you can usually pick them up for cheap at the craft store
  • acid free glue stick or repositionable scrapbook
  • scissors
  • markers
  • optional: letter stickers

 Originally, I had picked a fun paw print pattern as the background for this page, but it ended up looking a little…busy. I switched it to a plain paper and though I’m not entirely satisfied with it, it no longer makes me dizzy to look at, so that’s good. My scrapbooking brain is a little rusty, since I haven’t worked on a book in over 5 years. I’m hoping that over the next few months, my pages and layering will improve dramatically as I get my groove back, so to speak. 

Cut the letters to “Happy Barkday” from alternating colours of card stock. Outline each letter in co-ordinating marker. I love the look of hand cut lettering because I think it adds chaacter, but if you prefer a more uniform look, you can buy pre-cut letters from the craft store.



Cut out a doggy cake shape. I modelled mine after the a gourmet dog cake from, just like the one we’re giving away. Click here to enter to win! I chose to cut the dog bones out of brown scrapbook paper, but you could just as easily draw them on with marker. I did draw a few remaining details on, when they proved near impossible to cut out!




Use markers to draw paw prints on card stock in various sizes. Cut around the paws and outline them in co-ordinating colours.


Cut a 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 rectangle out of card stock, then cut a 4 1/4 x 6 1/4 rectangle out of a co-ordinating colour. Layer the colours to create a photo border.

Repeat, this time cutting a 4 1/2 x 4 1/4 square and a 4 1/4 x 4 1/4 square.



Cut accents like balloons and presents out of scrapbook paper (or use premade stickers and die cuts for easy scrapping)



Position the birthday accents around the page, along with a few more paw cut outs. Secure all of your elements in place using acid free glue or scrapbook tabs.



That’s it folks!

What page theme should we tackle next?

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Sunday 30th of June 2013

Very cute :)

Two French Bulldogs

Monday 24th of June 2013

Cute. Mom wants to start scrap booking Benny & Lily


Monday 24th of June 2013

She should you guys! Our Mama loves it a lot. We bet your Mom would too, plus it gives her something to do with all those amazing pictures she takes of you.

Gizmo Geodog

Monday 24th of June 2013

I always admire beautiful scrapbooks but just never got it together to do one...Yours is great


Monday 24th of June 2013

I hear you! It can be a bit of a time suck, but we love having the finished products to look at!


Monday 24th of June 2013

That looks great I hope I get one when it's my barkday


Monday 24th of June 2013

I hope you do too Monkey! Start of by giving your human *the eyes*

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