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Kol’s Note: This post is sponsored by Treasured Friends: Custom Pet Plaque Art. While we were compensated for this post, all opinions expressed are our 100% own and we will never recommend a product or service we do not believe in.
There was a time when I wasn’t sure Koly and Fe were going to be friends.
Kolchak adored Felix on sight. He wanted to play and do everything Fe did.
Fe wanted no part in this.

FE: Remove your teeth from my ear hair, Whippersnapper! KOLY: Neeeeeeever! *Play with meeeee*
The drive home from the breeder was long and every time puppy Koly would move, Felix would growl at him. This dog was not convinced that a puppy was a good idea at all, despite the fact that it was Felix’s trainer who had told us to get a puppy FOR FELIX, so he could learn dog things.By hour three of our drive, I was close to tears and wondering if Fe was going to hate Kol with the firey passion of a thousand suns forever.
We stopped at a rest stop an hour or two from home and already exhausted by doggy drama, I took Kolchak out first while Fe waited in the truck with the A/C on. We only got a few steps away from the truck when Koly realized that his new buddy wasn’t coming with us and he sat down and cried at the top of his voice. (Who knew that crying like a baby would become his go to move when he wanted something for the rest of his life. He’s like a teenage girl.) He sat there, crying and refusing to move.
Imagine the surprise and the love in my heart, when from the truck, Felix started crying too.
In that moment, Felix fell in love with the puppy.
Fast forward seven years and these two are still best friends. It’s super important to me to capture the memories of them together, now, while there are happy stories and good times attached to them.
We lost our kitty friend last year. Our vet, kindly made us an imprint of his paw, pressed into a glazed tile to remember him by. It was a really sweet gesture and I am sure it’s a beautiful tile, but I don’t think I will ever hang it up. I love capturing happy memories and displaying them. Someday (hopefully an incredibly long time from now), the memories I capture now will be the ones I remember my boys by. I have paintings, drawings and illustrations. I’m a fiend for finding new ways to pay tribute to my best furry friends.
That’s why, when Treasured Friends offered to make a custom pet plaque featuring my boys, I jumped at the chance.

Knowing that a lot of people’s favourite pictures of their childhood pets aren’t very high resolution, she can work with both older, lower resolution images or new, higher resolution images. If you happen to be like me and 99% of the photos you take are with your phone, you start to truly appreciate what she can do with even a low res picture. She can take a crummy image like the one I sent her and make it look soft, like a painting, so that your tile looks fabulous, not blurry.
The only real question was what caption would I use?
Pamela made a few suggestions that were really nice.

OK, they’re totally best buddies. THEY ARE, but I think they’re something more than that. Don’t you? Can you really sum up all the playing, the treat stealing, the wrassling, and the sassy attitudes these two throw at me with “buddies”? I think not. I needed something flashier… something more…zany to really make this tile Casa de Kolchak Approved.
Here’s what we settled on:

Let’s call this what it is: an EPIC Bromance.
I am so glad that we did this. The tile is absolutely lovely and I love the soft, warm tones. The finish is obviously high quality and I have no doubts that this tile will last for years to come. I am super excited to find it a place of honour in our new favourite spot to hang out, our dog friendly deck.
Whether you’re like me and looking to capture some special memories of the pups you have in your life now or if you’re looking for the perfect way to remember a beloved pooch from the past, a Treasured Friends photo tile is such a beautiful way to display just how much pets mean to us.
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Do you want a Treasured Friends Custom Pet Plaque?
Do you have a special pet from your past that you would like to remember? Maybe you’ve got that awesome pet in your life now and you want to start saving memories now. Whatever your reason, we want you to win! Thanks to Treasured Friends, we’re giving away one of their pet plaques, custom made just for you!

Chic Southern Charm
Wednesday 18th of June 2014
My favorite memory is our dog, Oliver, sledding with us during our snow season.
Willow Kessler
Wednesday 18th of June 2014
My favorite memory of Onyx and Patchouli is the day they met each other. I had been pining over Patchouli, and spent the whole day with her. I finally left when it was feeding time to come home to Onyx. I cried my eyes out. All I wanted in the world was that sweet Puggle. We even took photos together; I'm not sure who was more sad about leaving who more. I decided to bring Patchouli home that night. The look when she saw me again was priceless. The only thing the woman said was, " I told you your Mommy was going to come back for you." I felt like I was on cloud nine. I carried her from the car to the door, and Onyx was quickly intrigued. I was a little worried for the size difference, as Onyx is a Labrador Retriever. After seeing them play in the grass for the first time together, I just knew they were going to be the best of friends. They are only four months apart, and have been lucky to grow up together. They are inseparable sisters through and through. I feel so honored to have my two little girls in my life. They are my world. I really do not know what I would do without them.
Dawn S.
Wednesday 18th of June 2014
About a week after we rescued our second dog, a beautiful, sad pit bull puppy who had a horrible start to his life, we were driving home from the vet and he crawled onto my lap (husband was driving) and looked up at me and gave me the first of many giant pittie smiles. One of the most heartwarming moments of my life.
Wednesday 18th of June 2014
So many to choose from, but I think my favorite memory of Cheyenne was the day we picked her up off the rescue transport. She was so nervous, and had never seen snow before. But the on the ride home every time we stopped for gas, or that night at home, she was already following our every move and wanted to be right with us. We had her four years before she died, and that constant devotion never stopped.
Darlene Owen
Wednesday 18th of June 2014
My favorite memory of my 2 labs is when we brought them home, they were so cute and cuddly.