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It’s a little scary. The older Mama gets the more she reminds me of Homer Simpson.
Homer Simpson:
Homer Simpson:
*Seriously disturbing* I know. Ha ha ha ha, *just kidding Mama* Thank Dog you do NOT look like Homer. I’d have nightmares. But you are getting awwwwwwfully similar to a certain jaundiced, balding gentleman (?!) we all know and love.
You see, recently, my Mama seems to be having a lot more D’OH! moments. You know the ones I mean, where all of the sudden a light bulb goes off over hear head and she’s like “D’oh! Why the heck didn’t this occur to me before?”.
That happened Sunday night. And it was spectacular to behold.
I was just sitting there on the couch, just minding my own. Mama was engrossed in her own boring thoughts, until Daddy came in and asked what something was.
It looked like this:
I know what you’re thinking.
Robot nipples. What the bark has Koly’s Mama gotten herself into.
It’s OK. That was my first thought to – that Mama had gotten herself into some sort of naked robot evil plot to take over the world. Wasn’t I relieved to learn that it is a mini-doughnut pan. For making doughnuts.
I ♥ doughnuts. Or I would, if I had any idea what one tasted like. Mama doesn’t let me eat fried foods. So Mama had doughnuts on the mind and she also had dog treats on the mind. I *like* it when she has dog treats on the mind. She was mentally thumbing through our recipes, to think of something that might be good to try in the new doughnut pan. It was a slow process, as she has to dust of the corners of her brain and tear down all the cobwebs.
Liver brownies? No raw liver. Just a few cooked livers.
PB & Banana Cake? No bananas.
Chicken & Carrot Pupcake? Kind of blah…not our favourite recipe. and then all at once it hit her – D’OH! Of course this recipe was a little dull, it didn’t have enough carrot or chicken to be really flavourful and for some unknown reason – it had applesauce in it? Applesauce??? In a CARROT CAKE? Duuuuuhhhhhhh, For obvs, Mom! Why not use CARROT PUREE instead? Huh? Huh? Huh?
So she did. And they are great. I ate FOUR of them tonight. (Mom gave me one then packed them up, Nana gave me one when she thought Mama wasn’t looking and Daddy gave me two when Mom’s back was turned. But Mama’s have eyes in the back of their head and she knows I had four.)
Since they were such a big hit, we thought we’d share the recipe we made tonight at the C&C Doughnut Factory (Chicken & Carrot) ♥
Kolchak’s D’oh!-nuts
(These also work really well as pupcakes. We like to use a mini pupcake pan so that all of our treats are only a single bite.)
makes 3 dozen mini-d’oh!-nuts or mini-pupcakes
1 1/2 cups of Red Mill Gluten Free baking Mix or All Purpose Flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder (optional – see note)
1/2 tsp. rosemary
1/2 cup cooked chicken breast, finely chopped
3 carrots, chopped and boiled or steamed
2 carrots, finely grated
1 teaspoon low-sodium powdered chicken stock
1 tablespoon honey
1 egg
3/4 – 1 1/4 c. water
Cooked chicken livers
Low-fat, low-sodium chicken stock
(or in a pinch, just canned wet dog food)
Let’s Get Messy:
Preheat oven to 350F.
In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking powder, garlic, rosemary & powdered chicken stock. Create a well in center.
In a food processor or blender (MAGIC BULLET TIME!), combine cooked carrots, 2/3 of the chopped chicken, and enough water to blend smooth. (Should be similar in consistency to applesauce.)
Pour carrot puree into the well. Add egg, honey, grated carrot and remaining chicken. Stir, adding water as needed to create a thick cake batter. (Batter should hold to the spoon when lifted out and not be runny. It shouldn’t be thick enough to mold or hold it’s shape.)
Lightly grease doughnut or mini cupcake tins ( I prefer to use olive oil.) Fill tins almost to brim with mixture and use fingers to smooth out. (Like we said – get messy!)
Bake for 20 – 30 minutes, until a tooth pick comes out clean and the edges start to look golden. Use a butter knife to easy these away from the pan and place on a cooking rack.
Now, at this stage, Felix and I were pretty interested in having a taste, so we started giving Mama *the eyes*. For those unfamiliar with the eyes, they look like this:
please excuse the horrible iPhone photos. I am cuter than this.
or this:
Mama is helpless against the eyes. They are *magic*. So we got to taste the un-iced, naked D’oh!-nuts. And they were pretty darn good! Why mess with a good thing, Mama? If they ain’t broke, why fix ’em?
Well, ’cause Mama is an over-achiever and a show off. So she took a few cooked chicken livers and a little chicken stock (actually too much chicken stock, next time she would make it “paste-ier”) and blended them into a paste to “ice” them with.
So now they are all fancy pants looking –
and they taste pretty darn fabulous, if I do say so myself. So what are you waiting for? It’s Tasty Tuesday – go GET MESSY!
All posts are the property of Kolchak’s Kitchen and Kolchak Puggle/Jodi Chick. Please ask before reposting content. All reposts must link back to our site. Thank you!
Tuesday 5th of April 2011
D'Oh!!! You are a culinary mastermind!! And Mom's pretty good, too ;)
Benny and Lily
Tuesday 5th of April 2011
yummE, hope we don't starve til mom makes someBenny & Lily
Pup Fan
Tuesday 5th of April 2011
Those are some pretty convincing eyes!
Foley Monster and Pocket
Tuesday 5th of April 2011
First of all, some of those pictures of your Mom were rocking. Secondly, robot nipples BOL. The problem with your treats is Daddy keeps eating them. Is there something we can put them on that will me them less attractive to the male human primate. I would appreciate it.
Oz the Terrier
Tuesday 5th of April 2011
Whoa! They look delicious! Maybe your Ma would share some of her 'secret' dog treat recipes at my new bloggie?!? *licks chops*