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The Mama has been at it again.
Up until all hours of the night on that stupid Pinterest site. It’s bad enough when she’s pinning cool as woof dog stuff to my Pinterest boards, but sometimes, she goes to her personal Pinterest and pins stupid boring stuff there. Mama, I don’t care about Salad Recipes or those stupid e-cards, I want treats.
What happens when your Mama needs a Pintervention?
This is a blog hop! Every week, we invite you to link up your Tastiest Post and Hop On to discover all sorts of new treats recipes, great giveaways and more!
Up until all hours of the night on that stupid Pinterest site. It’s bad enough when she’s pinning cool as woof dog stuff to my Pinterest boards, but sometimes, she goes to her personal Pinterest and pins stupid boring stuff there. Mama, I don’t care about Salad Recipes or those stupid e-cards, I want treats.
What happens when your Mama needs a Pintervention?
Sometimes? Magic Happens.
That Martha ain’t got nothin’ on my Mama, but I’ll give her that this is a brilliant idea.
I have no idea why anyone would want to do that with tomato paste though?
Yuck! This idea? This idea was destined for dog food!
I know right?! Why didn’t we think of this sooner? Frozen dog treats with virtually NO effort! What an awesome idea. This one is for all you pups who can’t get your pawrents into the kitchen – if you can’t get them to try this recipe, then you’re DOOMED!
Here’s what you need:
- 1 or more cans of meaty dog food. We like this tasty 96% Buffalo kind – it also comes in chicken, beef, turkey & tripe.
- Carefully open both ends of the can with a can opener.
- Remove one metal end and discard it. Leave the other in place.
- Wrap the can in plastic and freeze until solid
- When it’s frozen, use the one metal end to push the frozen food out the other side.
- Slice off as much frozen snack as you want to give your dog. (Kol gets a 1/4″ slice)
- Rewrap & return the rest to the freezer.
It’s that easy peasy!
You could store treats for a couple months this way, but seriously? They’ll never last that long!

To join in, follow your hosts, Kol’s Notes & Sugar the Golden Retriever, grab the badge from our sidebar and add your link to this week’s hop!
All posts are the property of Kolchak’s Kitchen and Kolchak Puggle/Jodi Chick. Please ask before reposting content. All reposts must link back to our site. Thank you!