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I have a pet peeve.
It’s going to seem like no big deal, but it bugs the everliving WOOF out of me. I love my dogs as much as the next guy. (Let’s face it, I’m crazy as a cracker jack, I love my dogs MORE than the next guy and the guy next to him too.) They get away with bloody murder, they can do most whatever they want and they eat like Kings. There isn’t much they do that grates on my nerves.
Jingling dog tags and jangling leashes make me insane.
Head twitchy, teeth grindey, growl-under-my-breath insane. It annoyed me when we lived at the house, but it honestly wasn’t a huge deal. They didn’t wear their harnesses a lot of the time, their tags came off when we were in the house. It was a non-issue.
At the apartment though, it’s totally obnoxious. I want to be a good apartment neighbour and it never fails, as soon as we get out into the hall, both dogs shake and it sounds like a thousand metal drums all at once. I love love love their harnesses and the fabulous, sturdy hardware, but the metal loops attached to the metal leash hooks is loud. Nothing says “It’s dawn and time to get up everyone on the third floor!” like dogs shaking their own personal cowbells.
Help me, interwebz!
I bought these awesome tags that lay flat to the collar for their ID tags and got one of those rubber tag silencers for their licenses to cut out the tag jingles, but that metal leash on metal ring noise is still bananas. Any idea how to cut this down? Is one of you magic? (I could totally use a little leash noise magic right now, plus how cool is that?! I could be friends with a witch or a wizard? Huzzah!)
Sunday 27th of October 2013
There's this rubbery type stuff to coat tool handles called Plasti Dip. It comes in several colors & even clear. I'll bet it would help with the jingling.
Sunday 27th of October 2013
Ohhhhhhh! What an awesome idea! I'll have to go to the hardware store and see if I can find some. Thanks!
Pup Fan
Thursday 24th of October 2013
We use these Quiet Spot tag holders:
Works pretty well for Tavish, but I just let Bella jingle away...
Sunday 27th of October 2013
You're the second person that recommended those. I'll have to check them out!
Gizmo Geodog
Thursday 17th of October 2013
They don't bother me, but indoors, windows shut, Gizmo can hear the jingling tags of dogs walking the path across the street...How do I know this? He barks at them even when he can't see them
Sunday 27th of October 2013
LOL, Felix does that. He knows that tell tale jingle means there is a dog outside! **ack** I wish everyone ha silent tags.
Thursday 17th of October 2013
Chuckle had a good suggestion, or you could wrap the rings with yarn, that would also quiet the noise.
Sunday 27th of October 2013
I've definitely thought about wrapping them in yarn or maybe embroidery floss. Good idea!
Chuckle Hounds
Wednesday 16th of October 2013
We use Quiet Spot for the Tag Jingles - and you could use electrical tape around the ring on the collar to eliminate the leash jingle. I'd offer to custom make a collar with plastic, but I'm not sure it would be strong / durable enough.
Sunday 27th of October 2013
You are so awesome Sarah! I think I have the collar issue solved and people have given me some excellent ideas to try on the leash jangle. Thank you!