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We’re only 6 days into the Holiday season and already, I feel like the season is winning.
I love Christmas. It’s kind of my time, you know? The holidays are made for crafters and bakers! The entire season is a playground for creatives. At any given time, I have approximately a million and twelve projects in my brain that I just have to try!
It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of the season.
I’m the worst for it. I get caught up in the jingle bells and the flashing lights and I totally lose sight of what’s important.
I’m lucky that my dogs are experts at helping me find my way. To help keep me from spiralling down into Holiday madness, I make a date with my dogs and I force myself to keep it.
Nothing crazy. This is not meant to be yet another arduous obligation that you can never hope to meet. It’s simple. Sweet.
Just set aside five minutes every single day to escape the hustle and the bustle and take five for Fido.
Kind of like a no-pressure Advent Countdown. Here’s some of the ways Koly, Fe and I will be taking time outs this month:
- Trying a new treat – There are few things that get Kolchak going like an awesome new treat. I’m going to toss him a new chew and just sit back and watch as he relishes it with delight.
- Learn a new trick – It only takes a few minutes a day to teach a new behavior! We’ll be working on learning something fun and cute.
- Snuggle up and watch a Christmas Special – OK, this one takes more than a few minutes, but we’ll be making time this month to cuddle up, unplug the craptop and just hang out together.
- Go for a Winter Wonderland walk. – When it’s icy and chilly, you don’t always want to go out, but it’s so pretty! We’re making a point to explore some local neighborhoods to check out all the CHristmas lights and displays.
- Play with a special toy – For Felix this means getting our his Christmas Angry birds, for Kol, we’ll be playing tug with his snowflake garland. Making time to play is good for you and good for the dog.
No matter how you celebrate the season, taking time out to recharge and relax with your pups is the best part. Don’t forget to make time for fur.
How do you take a time out with your dogs?
Sunday 8th of December 2013
The holiday season is the only time of year where this is actually my routine. Yes, I decorate, overdo and bake way too many cookies, but it is also the only time I allow myself to slow down and enjoy all the sights and sounds and smells. Cuddle time? I thought that is what the holidays were all about. ;)
Love your list. And I hope you enjoy your holidays.
Jan K, Wag N Woof Pets
Saturday 7th of December 2013
This is a great idea and reminder to keep things in perspective. It's so easy to get caught up in the extra busy-ness and forget what's really important. We have a new treat game we're going to try out, and we're hoping for some snow so we can get out and play in it. The girls love to play fetch in the snow, and I'm anxious to get out my snowshoes and just blaze some trails around our yard to take Kobi on. We got some new treats to try out so we'll be trying one of those each day too. Plus I hope to bake some special ones if I can squeeze that in!
Pamela | Something Wagging
Friday 6th of December 2013
I try to remember that 1 type of cookie is just as much fun as 6 and not overdo things. Enough is as good as a feast after all.
In our town, Santa arrives with his elves by rappelling down the side of a tall building (tall being relative; Ithaca's a pretty small place). We like to walk down to watch with Honey. She's not allowed on the Commons. But since it's the police department crawling down the walls, there's not as many patrolmen on the ground to give us a ticket. :)