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You guys know that I am a HUGE fan of fresh fresh, whole foods with our dogs.
There is no “people food” or “dog food”, there’s just food and a whole lot of healthy foods are totally safe to share. I am a bit of a braggart about to, if we want to get real. I tell people that my dogs LOVE fruit and veggies and that they see them as “treats”.
Except that lately, Koly is trying to make a liar out of me!
That little rat fink! After years, YEARS I TELL YOU, of eating all sorts of things, he’s been a bit picky lately. My little fuss budget has decided that some treats are just not to his liking anymore. What a spoiled brat, right? That’s exactly what I thought, but apparently, my opinion doesn’t count. He just goes on, doing his thing, regardless of whether I think he’s being crazy. Seriously, you guys, I have NEVER seen this dog turn down a treat until recently.
This is what happens when you give my dog an apple.
Is there anything your dog won’t eat? Do they gob it out in a melodramatic fashion?!

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Friday 13th of June 2014
Hilarious. Silas has a fruit ranking system that neatly corresponds to how much something costs per pound. Apples and pears? Nope. Raspberries and cherries? YES. The only veggie he really likes raw is carrot, although one day when he was teething he stole and ate most of a potato.
Friday 13th of June 2014
That's funny, that is how Felix ranks produce and proteins. HIs interest increases with the cost per pound and I SWEAR he can tell when something was on sale.
Woof Woof Mama
Wednesday 11th of June 2014
Daisy will eat carrot, apple slices, sweet potato, broccoli (steamed), banana, spaghetti squash, mango chunks, frozen peas, green beans and almost any other fruit or veggie, but she always turns her nose up at kale or spinach. If I hold it in front of her face she actually turns away LOL! And she likes zucchini but not cucumbers.
Friday 13th of June 2014
We are HUGE broccoli lovers here and carrots are a staple. No mango though. Mama doesn't care for it!
Stacey Van Horn
Tuesday 10th of June 2014
Prince does the same thing with any raw vegetable. Give him a raw carrot and he will half eat it then decide to spit out a nasty mess. Give him a cooked carrot and he goes nuts. Nadie on the other hand, takes one sniff of any fruit or veggie and gives me a look that says, "Do I look like a rabbit, silly woman?" The only way to get her to eat either is to cook it in meat.
Friday 13th of June 2014
LOL, I love that half crazed look like "why did you even give me that? GROSS."
Amy Dyck
Tuesday 10th of June 2014
Haha looks like he knows he can get something else ;) I agree with the others: add some tasty fats!
Friday 13th of June 2014
He doesn't though! I'm super careful not to do "snack trading". This what we're having. Eat it or don't (and after a few minutes, he DOES eat it.)
Tuesday 10th of June 2014
I'm not a veggie fan, so when I get a carrot or sweet potato anything, I carry it around all day guarding it, but will not eat it.
Friday 13th of June 2014
Really Emma? That is the CUTEST!