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My niece and nephew though Kolchak hung the moon. They were honestly little obsessed with him. It was embarrassing. Back in the day, they used to Facetime me and I would be so excited. They called me! And then I would hear a little voice “Can I talk to Koko, Aunty?”
Humpf. Noted kid. Noted.
And yet, I find it super endearing that they are so enamoured with dogs. They loved Kol. They love to tell people about their own dog, Mac. They’re thrilled when they get to pet a dog when we’re out. We’re raising a new generation of dog lovers and I am here for it.
I think back fondly on some of my favourite toys from when I was a kid and how, I too, was that dog-loving kid. My most cherished Pound Puppy – who is so well loved that one of his ears is hanging on by a literal thread – is an uncanny replica of my sweet puggle, Kolchak.

Even though I would never want to breed puppies as an adult and pet stores that sell puppies make me very wary that they’re actually a puppy mill front, I loved the Puppy Surprise toys back in the 90s. The Littlest Pet Shop was my jam. What can I say? I was a dog lover long, long before I was allowed to have a dog and I still think fondly on all the games I played that
What do you get for the dog-loving kiddos in your life to help create those same warm, fuzzy memories?
Here are just a few of my favourite toys for dog-loving kids. I really favour toys that lead to imaginative play, but I’m including a few that are just good ol’ fashioned nonsense in our ultimate guide to toys and games tailor-made for the young dog lovers in your life! From games to crafts, find the perfect gifts to ignite their imagination and nurture their love for furry friends.
Melissa & Doug Examine and Treat Pet Vet Play Set
I love that kids can pretend to be a veterinarian with this set. Such a good way to boost their imagination, get them interested in STEAM, and a great way to promote responsible animal care. It comes with both a stuffed dog and a stuffed cat, but you can easily line up all your kiddo’s stuffies for a full day of checkups. Kol would once in a while even sit for a quick kiddo health check. (He drew the line at having his temperature taken though.)

Get it on Amazon.
Bluey Ultimate Lights & Sounds Playhouse & Toy Box
Look, I’m going to level with you. Watching most children’s programming makes me want to poke my eyes out with hot, dull objects. My nephew loved Blippi and I just… cannot. He watched a lot of Cocomelon and it’s like… very dull. But I … I think I LIKE Bluey? It’s not mindless. The stories are real, the characters – even the adults – have dimension. Bluey has imagination in spades and that’s why this playhouse has the potential to be such a fun toy for kids exploring their own imaginations. Not only does it have many of the show’s characters; but it also has a number of Bluey and Bingo’s toys.

This one is an Amazon exclusive so the only place you’ll find it is on Amazon.
Scribble Scrubbie Pets
This toy is great for kids in that “too old to be a toddler; too young to be a preschooler” weird transitional space where they don’t really do imaginative play yet, but when they L O V E to make a darn mess and create things. These Scribble Scrubbie pets are great toys that can be used over and over to make “good mess”. The idea is that you colour them with markers and then give them a bath to wash them off. She loves colouring things that aren’t paper, thinks splashing around in water is the bees knees and the look of glee on her face as she scribbles all over is frankly, adorable. Awesome for playing in a splashpool out in the yard or even in the tub.

Opt for the sets with lots of pets and markers over the sets with lots of accessories if your kiddo just wants to make a mess. Find them on Amazon.
Pooping Puppies Puzzle
Is there anything kids like MORE than a fart or poop joke? If there is I haven’t seen it yet. My nephew loves puzzles and I’m certain he would dissolve into a fit of hysterical belly laughs at the idea of a puzzle just covered in pictures of puppies pooping. This is also a great option for you to do together with your kids and keep everyone having fun and engaged. Puzzles develop memory skills, as well as an ability to plan, test ideas and solve problems making them a great educational toy. The bathroom humour is just a bonus.

Paw Patrol Anything, but especially the Paw Patroller
My nephew – and several of his besties – were absolutely obsessed with Paw Patrol. He had a paw patrol theme birthday. He asked for every paw patrol toy he saw. His favourite pup is Marshall, but he can also tell you all his friend’s favourite pups. He has some strong opinions on which pup should be his sister’s favourite. He lost it when we found a Paw Patrol Gingerbread house and I bought it so we could make it together. I’m not going to lie – I have a lot a lot of questions about a town full of adults so useless a kid and a bunch of dogs are constantly in peril, of Top of his wishlist was a Paw Patroller. It’s a big rig style truck that unfolds to create a scene from Adventure Bay and an “extreme speed” ramp. He was jazzed about it.

Aunty is a sucker, so you know I ordered him one. Get it on Amazon.
Soggy Doggy Board Game
I love playing board games with the kiddos and this one is so silly, it’s fun. You work your way around the board to “wash” the soggy doggy before he shakes. It’s a timer game a little akin to that old game “Perfection” where you had to fit all the shapes in before the board popped up, but without the inherent, underlying anxiety. It’s a game designed for quick, short play, so it’s great for kiddos who are still fine tuning their attention spans.

Dog Man: The Hot Dog Card Game
Dog Man is part man, part dog and he’s got a nose for justice… or something like that. These graphic novels are a great into to reading books with more words and more nuanced ideas for and a great way to engage reluctant readers. The story is great and focuses on empathy, kindness, persistence, and the importance of doing good. The books are always a hit and this card game is a lot of fun too. The goal is to collect hot dog cards and the player with the most wins. Great beginner level card game toplay with your fav kids.

Order yours on Amazon
Lego Sets for dog lovers
Y’ALL I LOVE LEGO. I am (purposrtedly) an adult, but I will still unequivocally LOSE it over a really cool lego set. I like the challenge of building a kit with a guide. I like the imagination of using normal blocks to create my own structures. I just. like. Lego. And Lego likes dogs. Or at least I assume they do because there are SO MANY cute lego sets for dog lovers. I am so enamoured with this Lego Friends: Dog Rescue Centre. LOOK. AT. IT

You can get this LEGO Dog Rescue set on Amazon, but I am equally enchanted by this LEGO Dog Rescue Van and this LEGO Doggy Daycare set. I need them all.
Nintendo Switch Game -Little Friends: Dogs and Cats
I’m a sucker for a cozy game. The idea is that you bond with and train your own pet, playing with them, feeding them and getting to know each of their unique personalities. It’s rated E for everyone, but is a better fit for kids with some reading skills.

Get it on Amazon or download it from the Switch store to your device.
Mini Clay World Puppy Treat Truck
Oh. my. gads. I love it. I love it so MUCH. Look at how cute this crafting clay kit is? It comes with instructions and everything you need to make 8 dogs and adorable dog treats to go with them. Given that DIY Dog Treats are a huge part of what we do here at Kol’s Notes, I can authentically say I swooned when I saw this. It’s so fun!

You can get this set on Amazon here or check out the Pet Adoption trailer clay set or their Pom Pom Pets kits.
Basically, being an adult who loves dogs and who gets to buy toys and games for kids who love dog is kind of amazing and I’m so glad I get to do it.
I’m always looking for awesome new gift ideas. You guys got kids? What toys and games do they love?