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This weekend, I got to do something I rarely get to: I made human treats.
I know! I know, you guys! Kol was outraged too. Human treats? What a waste of a dog baker’s time. It was my favourite baby’s birthday and I wanted to make his little cake extra special. You can imagine my genuine delight when his Mom asked for “a dog cake”.
Of course, his Mom is a friend of mine and has a fair share of the “crazy” in her, so after she asked for a dog cake, she changed her mind about a squillion times and also asked for an Elmo cake and a rainbow cake. I decided to combine all her requests and make one super cool cake creation.
You guys, it’s totally easier than it looks to make cake toppers from fondant!
Everyone at the party was pretty impressed, but the truth is, it’s not that hard to make a puppy from fondant. For serious, if you can roll a meatball, I bet you can do this too.
If you want to give it a try, check out a few of these tutorials:
My puggy inspiration from Juniper Cakery (by way of Craftsy)
This adorable husky from Cake Dutchess would totally have been my second choice – if my favourite baby’s Mom wasn’t practically obsessed with pugs. I love his eyes!!
This goofy, happy looking pup from Lorraine McKay is super adorable.
Bonus Cat Cake Topper from Good to Know!
Have you ever make a puppy cake? Will you share a picture?
or – do you know of a GREAT tutorial for fondant dog cake toppers? Link ’em up in the comments!!

To join in, follow your hosts, Kol’s Notes & Sugar the Golden Retriever, grab the badge from our sidebar and add your link to this week’s hop!
Wednesday 15th of July 2015
How cute! Love it. We've never tried using fondant, maybe we should.
Thursday 16th of July 2015
You should! It's easier than it looks, I swear!
Tuesday 14th of July 2015
I'll have to take your word for it. Fondant and I are not BFFs. You did a fabulous job!
Tuesday 14th of July 2015
Thank you so much! Fondant work during a heat wave wasn't the easiest thing I've done, but I really had so much fun.
Talent Hounds
Tuesday 14th of July 2015
Wow those are really impressive. Kilo's birthday is coming up soon so may have to try the Pug on his Pupcake (or a dog friendly version) XS
Tuesday 14th of July 2015
There is a dog friendly fondant! I've never tried it myself, but I have friends who have and they swear by it. Kilo totally needs a pug on his cupcake (and the pug was super easy!!)
DZ Dogs
Tuesday 14th of July 2015
These are adorable!! I might just have to try!
Tuesday 14th of July 2015
I hope you do! And if you do, I REALLY hope you'll share a photo with us!!