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How to Wash Dog Hair Out Of Clothes and Blankets

How to Wash Dog Hair Out Of Clothes and Blankets

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My friend Lauren recently complained that no matter what she did, she couldn’t wash her dog Desmond’s hair out of his blankets. I laughed because SAME, GIRL. Same.

remove dog hair from clothes

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There’s something about short dog hair that seems to weave itself right into the fabric and nothing but the jaws of life can wrench it loose. Luckily, in my 10+ years as a Dog Mom whose pug beagle cross sheds like it’s his darn job I’ve learned a few things about how to wash dog hair out of clothes and blankets.

When it comes to dog hair in fabric, the best defense is a good offense.

shirt hair dog shedding solutions

Obvs, the less your dog sheds all the frick over the place, the less hair ends up clinging to your clothes and trapped on your blankets. Brush your dog often with a good shedding rake and follow up with a rubber curry brush that helps remove loose hair before it’s in your laundry. Vacuum dog beds and furniture often reducing the amount of hair transferred to you and, if your home is prone to static, run a humidifer to help prevent pet hair from clinging to your clothes.

Dog hair still happens though! No matter how good of a house keeper you are and how much you are on your cleaning game, dogs are going to shed. Luckily, we’ve spent years perfecting our routine for fur-free laundry.

How to keep dog hair out of laundry

Wiry dog hair embeds itself in wet fabrics.

Have you ever washed something and felt like it came out of the machines with more dog hair stuck on it than when it went in? Yeah. ME TOO.

For the longest time, I was baffled by this phenomenon. Especially with cotton fabrics, I was surprised time and time again when I’d pull them out of the wash and it would look like the dog hairs had become one with the fabric. It doesn’t have to be this way. My secret laundry weapon is actually the dryer. Toss your laundry into the dryer with a couple of wool dryer balls and a damp microfibre cloth for 10 minutes on the low or no heat cycle BEFORE you put it in the washer.

wool dryer balls help remove dog hair from laundry
Photo Credit: Smart Sheep

The dryer will pull loose dog hair out of the fabric and into the lint trap or onto the microfibre cloth, meaning less hair goes into your washer. (Don’t forget to clean the lint trap before your wet laundry goes back in.)

Reduce static cling and fuzzy clothes and that funky dog smell with white vinegar.

I swear by white vinegar. It is one of my absolute favourite go-to cleaning wonder ingredients and laundry is no exception. Toss one cup of white vinegar in the rinse cycle to help relax fabrics and release dog hairs. As an added bonus, white vinegar also reduces static cling and it kills tough odours, like wet dog or that frito feet yeast smell some dogs get.

PRO TIP: I’m the actual worst for forgetting to add the vinegar, but you can buy the Downy Balls meant for fabric softener and fill them with white vinegar and they work just fine. If your washer has a built in fabric softener dispenser you can use that as well.

remove trapped dog hair from fabric
This dog is shedding all up on everything. He’s a hairy beast and his hair weaves itself into this blanket like nobody’s business, but it’s his fav, so I have to keep my laundry game on point.

Consider supersizing your laundry routine by adding fur-fighting extras.

Full disclosure? I’ve never used this thing, but my friend Heather from OK Collars, who has two labs who love to swim and shed like a mofo, swears by the FurZapper. These slightly tacky, flexible reusable discs go in your wash and act like a magnet for pet hair. You can use them in both the washer and the dryer, but you don’t want to use them with fabric softener or dryer sheets which are like their kryptonite.

remove dog hair from clothes
Photo Credit: FurZapper

Keep natural fabrics and synthetic fabrics separate.

Synthetic fabrics supercharge static in your laundry. Natural fabrics attract dog hair like the dickens. When you wash them together, you get the WORST of both worlds. By washing and drying these fabrics separately, you’ll cut down on the static that keeps dog hair stuck on your clothes.

Wash the dog hair out of your washing machine.

Have you ever gone to soak a load of laundry and noticed a fine film of hair floating over the surface of the water? Oh the joys of dog ownership, right? Dog hair doesn’t just stick to your clothes and fabrics, it sticks to your washing machine too.

clean dog hair out of washing machine
Photo Credit: Dejan Krsmanovic | Flickr Creative Commons

Regularly run your washer with a vinegar rinse and no detergent to clear it of stuck dog hairs. Wipe out the washer with a damp microfibre cloth when it’s done draining making sure to get into all the nooks and crannies, around the rim of the basin, the lid and in any detergent or softener dispensers. For stubborn hairs, you can vacuum a dry washing machine with the upholstery attachment.

A clean dryer means cleaner clothes.

Dog hair in the dryer is my Mount Everest. No matter what I do, I swear there’s always a stray hair up in there. However, there are things you can do to greatly reduce the amount of dog hair in your clothes dryer.

Thoroughly clean the lint trap, the follow that up by vacuuming with the crevice tool. Take the lint screen outside and use a soft brush to remove any stuck hair. Grab up stubborn hairs in your lint trap by sticking a lint brush in the opening and moving it around the edges.

clean dog hair out of clothes
Photo Credit: Leo Hidalgo | Flickr Creative Commons

If dog hair persists even after a thorough cleaning, you might have a clogged drain pump filter. The good news is this can be cleaned too, but you’ll have to find the manufacturer’s directions for your machine to do it – or call in a pro.

Remove dog hair from your dryer mid-cycle.

Your dryer’s lint trap is a magical place. It can help capture dog hair on your clothes and whisk it away, but if it’s over full, it can also release dog hair right back into your laundry. Clean your lint trap thoroughly after every. single. load. and make sure you are cleaning your vent hose and screen frequently as well. For super hairy laundry loads, like dog blankets or towels? Clean the lint trap halfway through the dry cycle to ensure your lint trap isn’t full and can continue to keep hair at bay.

Wash fabrics often.

Wash your dog hair hot spots, like blankets, sheets and favourite clothes often. The less time between washes, the less time for hair to build up! We wash our sheets every single week to keep dog hair and dog smell out of our bed.

how to wash dog hair out of bedding
Why would I get a black dog and a pale silver duvet? My bedding gets covered in dog hair, so frequent washings are absolutely necessary.

When in doubt, lint roll it out.

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, there is that ONE DOG HAIR that just will not come off your clothes. It makes me want to scream. In these cases, a quick once over with a sticky lint roller will usually take care of the problem.

What’s your best tip for washing pet hair out of your laundry?

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Monday 16th of September 2024

Use a dog fabric sheet (Walmart) removes all dog hair from your dryer.

Jodi | the DIY pet

Sunday 29th of December 2024

I'm not a huge fan of dryer sheets due to the chemial studies that have been done on them, but I'm glad you've found a solution that works for you!


Friday 30th of August 2024

There is a product called Vamoosh which is worth a try


Thursday 1st of February 2024

Just came to comment about damp rubber gloves, but someone beat me to it! My carpet cleaner showed me last time he was over. Game changer!


Sunday 18th of February 2024

SO SMART! I'll have to try it!


Saturday 27th of May 2023

Use a sticky roller BEFORE you toss dog items into the washing machine. It removes a good amount of hair.

Jodi & Kolchak

Sunday 9th of July 2023

I wish I had the patience for this. I always think about it, but then I just... don't.


Friday 31st of March 2023

We're the proud parents of a new golden, and we love her! But oh man, does that dog SHED. This helps out a lot. Up next I need to figure out how remove pet urine odor from carpets.


Monday 12th of August 2024

@Shelby, I know this is old, but just in case you’re still having “accidents”… my boyfriend’s daughter had a blind, senior dog that I used to babysit. She used to drop off the dog with a couple containers of salt! Dump a generous, heaping pile of salt on top of the wet spot and it draws all the moisture out and away from the carpet. I usually left the salt overnight (with a box or some type of barrier over it) and then cleaned the salt and the carpet the next morning. It was just a truck that I hadn’t heard of before, you may have though. It just made cleanup a lot easier.


Monday 20th of November 2023

@Shelby, For urine get oda ban from home depot, it gets the ph out and neutralizes the smell. And it smells good too. The green one that is eucalyptus.

Jodi & Kolchak

Sunday 2nd of April 2023

I'm a huge fan of Wee Away for pet stains and smells. I use it myself and it works so so well.

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