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You know what I realized today? Having my very own kitchen slave Mama that bakes has put me out of touch with reality. A puggle with his own cook staff simply has no reason to venture out in the world to a place like a pet store. This is where other dogs go to get the bare necessities like snacks and chewies and treats. Me? I’m lucky, I only have to venture as far as my own Kitchen.
Today was the exception. Mama hauled us into the truck and headed out into the world to buy us new car harnesses. (We didn’t get them. Seems I am oddly shaped or sized or whatever. Humpf.)
While we were there, something caught my eye. *liver treats*
Mama loves to give us liver treats too. Liver is seriously good for you. It’s nutrient rich, offering up all sorts of deliciousness like protein, fat & vitamin A. Plus it’s rich in copper, iron, niacin, phosphorus & zinc. It’s got B vitamins, omegas 3 & 6 and a bunch of essential amino acids that you need to be healthy. It packs a heck of a nutrient punch and it smells fabulous to boot.
I kept inching further and further away from the Mama and closer and closer to that bag. Ooooohhhhhh, it smelled soooooo goooood. I just want to have one, little…HOLY CRAP?! $16.99?! For *that* little bag? It’s only like 10 ounces?! Ohmycrap. Do dogs actually BUY THAT? Their parents fork over that much kibble for just a *few mouthfuls*?!? Wow. Y’all have got some *really nice* pawrents. Not a chance my Mama would even think about that.
‘Cause here is the thing. Liver is cheap.
Seriously cheap. Our local grocery store sells sliced beef liver for like $1.69/lb. We could get TEN POUNDS of fresh liver for the same price as those 8 ounces of dried treats. Wowzas. Quite the racket these pet stores have going on. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes. Want to know another secret?
Liver treats are super easy to make.
Are you ready for this?
- Turn on oven to lowest setting – around 150F or get out your counter top dehydrator (What? You don’t have one? Go GET ONE! Our NESCO was less than $100 and it’s easily the most used small appliancce in our house!)
- Slice liver (skip this if you were lucky enough to buy it pre-sliced! JACKPOT!!) and arrange on a cookie sheet or dehydrator racks.
- Bake on low (or the MEAT setting on your dehydrator) for 6 – 8 hours, until livers are crisp and snap into pieces.
That’s it. Were you waiting for more steps? Perhaps some fancy schmancy kitchen tools? Nope, nothing like that. Liver Treats are easy as 1-2-3! Kind of make you want to get your kitchen slave Mom in the kitchen doesn’t it?
*some things to know* All good things in moderation. Liver treats are really healthy and nutritious, BUT since they are so rich in vitamin A, it is recommended that you only eat them once or twice a week. Make sure the amount of treat you get is appropriate for your size (ie. my puggle butt might only get two pieces, but my friend Cheyanne the GSD could have three or four). Eating more than the recommended serving or eating them more often can lead to an overdose of vitamin A. This can lead to bone deformity or bone spurs, limping, muscle stiffness or weakness, weight loss and digestive upset. Scary stuff.
Liver is an acquired scent.
The nose knows that liver has a distinct odor all of it’s own. I find it meaty and delicious, but the Mama is less enthusiastic about the smell. What does she know anyways?? Actually, on second thought, it’s probably a good thing. As long as she thinks liver smells, I don’t have to share!
What do you think? Do you get liver treats at your house? Has your Mama ever made them?
**Please note that we received no promotional consideration from NESCO for this endorsement, but if they wanted to send us stuff, that would be freaking sweet***
**Please note that we received no promotional consideration from NESCO for this endorsement, but if they wanted to send us stuff, that would be freaking sweet***
All posts are the property of Kolchak’s Kitchen and Kolchak Puggle/Jodi Chick. Please ask before reposting content. All reposts must link back to our site. Thank you!
Barking Mad Ideas: Liver Grinders | Kol's Notes
Monday 29th of April 2013
[...] Pssssssst - Want to give it a try?? Head over to the Barking Mad website to order your own liver grinder, shipped right to your door here in Canada. What’s that?? You say you don’t HAVE a door here in Canada. Well, why the woof not?! It’s awesome here and the Mama will totally make you welcome to the neighbourhood snacks. Oh well. If you don’t live in Canada, that’s OK. We bet this would work just as well if your human bought a pepper grinder like this one and just filled it with crushed dehydrated liver dog treats which you can buy or make yourself. [...]
Tasty Tuesday: Gimme a Treat! | Kol's Notes
Friday 8th of March 2013
[...] Broken up liver chips [...]