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Once upon a time, the day before yesterday, right here at my house…
the Mama learned a valuable lesson. Be careful what you wish for.
When we last left our heroine sleep deprived Mama, she was sleeping one of two ways:
Like this when it was just her and the Daddy + the Casa de Kolchak Pups:
Or like this when Cousin Lu was having a sleep over:
If you’ve read the original Bedtime Fairytale or the more recent Bedtime Fairytale sequel, then you’ll know that frankly, the Mama has never been too happy with the sleeping arrangements here at Casa de Kolchak. We don’t much care for her kvetching and whining. After all, it is CLEARLY a privilege to snuggle a puggle at night. With that in mind, we decided to teach her a lesson.
For those who don’t already know, that no good, rotten Mama of mine abandoned us this weekend.
When she came home did we ever have surprise for her. Bed time rolled around and she assumed the sleeping position.
She waited…and waited…and waited, but no dogs came to bed.
She tossed and turned, feeling cold and strangely free, like she could fall out of the bed, if she were so inclined.
She tossed and turned for what felt like forever. She waited and waited and waited, but nothing.
Where were all the dogs?!
Well, in a pique of temper, Koly had to go see his Nana. He spent the night blissfully cuddled on her bed, barely even sharing.
the Felix didn’t want anything to do with anyone. He hightailed it off to the couch.
And Mama? Well she was just left there all alone. Sad, bewildered and cold
Bed Hog Rhymes with Dog | Kol's NotesKol's Notes
Tuesday 8th of April 2014
[…] not familiar with our ongoing Bedtime Fairytale, you might want to check out Part I, Part II, Part III and Part […]
A Bedtime Fairytale Part IV | Kol's NotesKol's Notes
Tuesday 19th of November 2013
[...] you’ve read the original Bedtime Fairytale, Bedtime Fairytale sequel, or the Bedtime Fairytale Part III, then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Never satisfied that [...]
Jessica Rhae
Thursday 23rd of May 2013
Ha! You showed Mama. You must remind her next time she whines about getting dog butt in the face :)
Saturday 25th of May 2013
I haven't said a peep all week - even the night Daddy gave them a forbidden treat and Felix was gassy.
Jackie Bouchard
Thursday 23rd of May 2013
First of all, I just want to say that you are an amazing artist! :)
What are the odds they're just angeling for treats?
(And does your hubby read your blog? How does he feel about hearing you were alone, sad, and col while he was also in the bed.) :)
Thursday 23rd of May 2013
The Daddy does not read my blog - or if he does, he's never let on! Hey Daddy, if you're reading speak up! You know some guys even comment on their wife's blog. Mike at Something Wagging even wrote a guest post. Do you wanna guest post?
Hello? Um hello? Daddy? Are you there?
Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's not an issue Jackie. LOL
Wednesday 22nd of May 2013
Poor mama. They'll come back...especially if you bring a few treats to bed with you!
Thursday 23rd of May 2013
I'm going to slather the pillow in meat paste. We'll see how that goes over ;)